Please read Awaken your inner Brilliance and live a life of Abundance and Bliss to understand the basis of these affirmations.
The following Prayer and Affirmation seeded in thyself by the grace of the great self, this prayer and affirmations will help one in identifying oneself and merging back to ones great self, absolute, whole, complete and full!
Thank you great Self, Supreme All!
Thank you great Self, Supreme THE ALL!
Thank you great Self, Supreme All Father, Supreme All Mother!
Thank you great Self, Great Gods and Godesses,
Thank you great Self, Great Teacher,
Thank you great Self, Supreme Soul, All thee Souls!
Thank you great Self, Supreme Being, All thee beings, the great all, the great all father and all mother, the great gods and goddesses, the ancestors, angels, demons, humans, animals, plants, and all other living beings!
Thank you great Self, Supreme Primordial Intelligence!
Thank you great Self, Everyone Everywhere, Everything Everywhere!
Thank you great Self, Thyself!
Thank you great Self, Supreme Doer of All!
Thank you great Self, Bearer of All!
Thank you great Self, Supporter of All!
Thank you great Self, Enjoyer of All!
Thank you great Self, Knower of All!
Thank you great Self, Inner Guide of All!
Thank you great Self, Inner Controller of All!
Thank you great Self, Protector of All!
Thank you great Self, Supreme Creator, Supreme Father, Supreme Being, All thee Beings!
Thank you great Self, Supreme Mother of Knowledge, Truth, Consciousness, Divinity, Love, Freedom and Bliss! Basis of all Knowing, all understanding, all realization, all cognition!
Thank you great Self, Supreme Supporter, Supreme Father, Supreme Soul, All thee Souls, the Great Self in All!
Thank you great Self, Supreme Mother of Wealth, All Manifestation, All form, All Experiencers, All Experiences and All Experiencing, Everyone Everywhere, Everything Everywhere, The great grand beautiful Universe!
Thank you great Self, Supreme Destroyer, Supreme Father, Absolute, All pervading, Permanent, Unchangeable, Truth, Consciousness, Divinity, Love, Freedom and Bliss, Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent, Clear Consciousness and Bliss, Whole, Complete and Full!
Thank you great Self, Supreme Mother of Energy, Bearer of All, basis of All Manifestation, All Creation, All Movement, All Action, All Animation, Doer of All!
Thank you great Self, Thank you for thy Grace and thy kindness, Thank you for thy love, compassion and care, Thank you for thy Blessings and Thy Affection, Thank you for thy faith in thee, Thank you for thy Trust, Thank you for thy Protection, Thank you for thy Guidance!
Thank you great Self for Thee as the Supreme All, as the great gods and goddesses, as the great teacher and all thy teachers!
Thank you great Self as Everyone and Everything in thy life
Thank you great Self as thy Family, and all thy Family members!
Thank you great Self as thy Friends, thy Associates, thy Colleges!
Thank you great Self as all living Beings!
Thank you great Self as Thyself!
Thank you great Self for Thyself!
Thank you great Self for thy Life!
Thank you great Self for thy Body, Mind and Soul!
Thank you great Self for thy Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions and Energies!
Thank you great Self for the Beautiful Universe!
Thank you Great Self! Thank you Great Self! Thank you Great Self!