Deep within we are all brilliance, pure intelligence, infinite energy, consciousness and bliss.

We are all born in this state, but as we go through life, the various experiences, create ideas and identification about the self as the non-self.

Identification of the Self with the non-self is actually the cause of all misery and pain, this actually runs deep in the global collective consciousness, so if you are born in this era, you will naturally become so, by everyone and everything around you!

Understanding the Self

Identification with the non-self essentially means, identifying one self with the body, mind, thoughts, role, emotions or experiences

Identification with the self means, being identified with the supreme, all pervading, non-dual, undivided, primordial intelligence that creates, sustains and destroys the universe eternally!

Identification with the Self, naturally ensues Self Love, Thankfulness and Forgiveness!

The choice is absolutely yours, who you would like to be identified with, the self or the non-self, that which you choose, will be your energy, and so your vibration and hence your life!

How does the Identification of Self affect you?

If one is identified with the non-self the individuals life will always be limited and will need to live with limitations of one or other kind, as the individual is in the space of finite energy.

And if one is identified to the absolute, all pervading, permanent, unchangeable, eternal, infinite and immortal self, the individual moves into the space of infinite energy, divine consciousness, abundance and bliss!

The Great Self, The supreme consciousness lives in the heart of every soul, every living being, Ones Self is the Great Self in All. It is by the Self that one is alive and conscious, it is by the Self that cognition is possible, and it is by the Self that one is able to think, decide, reason and function.

The Self cannot be thought, it is thinking that happens because of the Self. And the Universe happens because of the Great Universal All pervading Self.

Identifying with the Great Self

So then! How do we identify back with the great Self that is brilliant and free, and live a life of absolute bliss and abundance?

That is possible by the power of Oneness and Gratitude

Well the current conditioned world most of us are conditioned to be in the I, Me and You consciousness, in this consciousness one believes that she/he is an entity and is a separate being from the universe, and so starts the illusion in ones mind, that may take one to infinite experiences good and bad.

This creates a limited consciousness in an individual, and when this consciousness becomes sub-conscious, the individuals life too becomes limited. The current state of the collective global consciousness is such that most people are in this limited consciousness.

The Higher Self

However there is a higher consciousness, the Thyself consciousness, this is where one believes thyself is part of the the great self, absolute, all pervading, permanent, unchangeable, eternal, infinite and immortal Self.

When an individual with constant effort and by the grace of the teacher, and the grace of the Great Self realizes this non-dual consciousness, then this individual moves into the space of infinite consciousness

When this higher consciousness sets in an individual, the individual can see the supreme self in oneself and in everyone else! This is the great brilliance, the great bliss, that thou ought to experience.

The Lower Self

When an individual is identified with the body, mind, thoughts, feelings, emotions, energies or experiences then the individual lives a limited consciousness, with limited means to life.

Then there naturally tends to be more problems in various relationships at work, home and life, which leads to thoughts and energies of fear, lack, self pity, dejection and resentment.

Limited Consciousness ensues fear, lack, self pity, dejection and resentment.

When these energies become sub-conscious in an individual, the individual lives a limited life, with limited resources!

When the intensity of these energies increases, nothing gets better! Every thing the individual tries doesn’t work most often, making these energies and feelings stronger and making things worse.

So then how does one break out of this downward spiral?

The Sub-Conscious Mind

To understand how to break out of this spiral, one needs to understand how the sub-conscious mind works.

To give you a quick understanding of the sub-conscious, whatever thoughts, emotions and energies we allow into our consciousness again and again, becomes a habit and gets stored in the sub-conscious as energy, and that becomes ones character.

Note the importance of energy, that is the feeling over thought!

A single feeling can have infinite thoughts. When an individual is in a particular emotion, like anger, sadness, happiness then thoughts about all areas of life would be in the same energy or feeling.

Every one knows someone who gets angry all the time, or some one who is always sad, or someone who is always joyful. Whatever energy you allow into your consciousness again and will become a habit and recorded into the sub-conscious, and then it starts getting triggered sub-consciously on the onset of the required conditions (automatically).

So then when an individual has fear, lack, self pity, dejection and resentment in ones sub-conscious, then the individuals life would proceed in that direction only.

So then! How does one break out of this viscous cycle?

This viscous cycle can be broken by the power of Gratitude and Oneness.

Oneness Consciousness

Before we get to Oneness Consciousness, lets us first go back to what is the cause of pain and misery, it is most often the ego based or Lower Self consciousness, the I, me and you state of consciousness.

In the ego based lower consciousness, if emotions are positive then the individual is positive and life moves on well.

But then everyone is hit some time or other by various circumstances, relationship issues, life and death, health and wealth issues, legal issues,  war, crime, and other similar issues. When this happens this has a bearing on our feelings and emotions.

Now if we react very intensely to such events, then an individual tends to make unconscious auto suggestions of various negative emotions and thoughts.

Then one starts identifying oneself with the events and the circumstances.

When one is identified to such an experience, one is truly troubled and the emotions get burned deep onto the sub-conscious, and then this energy starts driving ones life.

Make a note all of us go through good and bad experiences, but these experiences become permanent only when you get identified with it! Otherwise it passes like a wave in the Ocean, Some Big, Some Small!

So then how to we move out of this Lower Self, ego based consciousness to the higher self consciousness?

The higher self or thyself consciousness is essentially a state of Oneness with the Universe and everyone else, it is a state of Non-Dual Consciousness.

It essentially means being identified with the supreme self that creates, sustains and destroys the universe eternally.

So then can we really be identified with the Supreme Self?

It is truly difficult for anyone of us to say that I am God, We are just not able to believe so or say so, but can we say God is All of Us? Yes, we can say that right! Like the Waves of the Ocean is the Ocean!

Power of Gratitude

The energy of Gratitude has the power to wipe of all energies of lack, dejection and resentment from the sub-conscious.

Like what light does to darkness, the energy of gratitude does to all resentment, dejection, anguish and pain.

These are the energies that holds back anyone from their goals and objectives, and not allowing the individual to live a happy, complete and fulfilling life.

When one feels the energy of Thankfulness to the Great Self for everything the Great Self has given us, then all the energies of lack, self pity, resentment, anger, dejection stored in the individuals sub-conscious starts getting uprooted.

How Gratitude destroys lack, dejection and self pity

Well this is simply so, because the Absolute, All Pervading, Permanent, Unchangeable, Eternal, Infinite, Immortal Self is all of Us.

So when one is thankful to the Great Self, and Thyself, then one is thankful to oneself and everyone else.

This is exactly the opposite of the lack, dejection and self pity energy which actually occurs because of anger, hatred, dejection or other negative emotions and feelings towards ones own self or someone else.

As we keep feeling this energy of Thankfulness, this energy now starts becoming sub-conscious, this ensues self-love and forgiveness, uprooting the negative energies of lack, dejection and self pity.

As the energy of Thankfulness and Self Love become sub-conscious in an individual, then the individuals life proceeds in that direction, towards Abundance and Bliss, Fulfillment and Contentment.

Prayer of Oneness and Thankfulness

The following Prayer and Affirmation seeded in thyself by the grace of the great self, this prayer and affirmations will help one in identifying oneself and merging back to ones great self, absolute, whole, complete and full! Recommended practice once a day.

Thank you great Self, Supreme All!
Thank you great Self, Supreme THE ALL!
Thank you great Self, Supreme All Father, Supreme All Mother!
Thank you great Self, Great Gods and Goddesses,
Thank you great Self, Great Teacher,
Thank you great Self, Supreme Soul, All thee Souls!

Thank you great Self, Supreme Being, All thee beings, the great all, the great all father and all mother, the great gods and goddesses, the ancestors, angels, demons, humans, animals, plants, and all other living beings!

Thank you great Self, Supreme Primordial Intelligence!

Thank you great Self, Everyone Everywhere, Everything Everywhere!

Thank you great Self, Thyself!

Thank you great Self, Supreme Doer of All!
Thank you great Self, Bearer of All!
Thank you great Self, Supporter of All!
Thank you great Self, Enjoyer of All!
Thank you great Self, Knower of All!

Thank you great Self, Inner Guide of All!
Thank you great Self, Inner Controller of All!
Thank you great Self, Protector of All!

Thank you great Self, Supreme Creator, Supreme Father, Supreme Being, All thee Beings!

Thank you great Self, Supreme Mother of Knowledge, Truth, Consciousness, Divinity, Love and Bliss! Basis of all Knowing, all understanding, all realization, all cognition!

Thank you great Self, Supreme Supporter, Supreme Father, Supreme Soul, All thee Souls, the Great Self in All!

Thank you great Self, Supreme Mother of Wealth, All Manifestation, All form, All Experiencers, All Experiences and All Experiencing, Everyone Everywhere, Everything Everywhere, The beautiful Universe!

Thank you great Self, Supreme Destroyer, Supreme Father, Absolute, All pervading, Permanent, Unchangeable, Truth, Consciousness, Divinity, Love, Freedom and Bliss, Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent, Clear Consciousness and Bliss, Whole, Complete and Full!

Thank you great Self, Supreme Mother of Energy, Bearer of All, basis of All Manifestation, All Creation, All Movement, All Action, All Animation, Doer of All!

Thank you great Self, Thank you for thy Grace and thy kindness, Thank you for thy love, compassion and care, Thank you for thy Blessings and Thy Affection, Thank you for thy faith in thee, Thank you for thy Trust, Thank you for thy Protection, Thank you for thy Guidance!

Thank you great Self for Thee as the Supreme All, as the great gods and goddesses, as the great teacher and all thy teachers!

Thank you great Self as Everyone and Everything in thy life

Thank you great Self as thy Family, and all thy Family members!
Thank you great Self as thy Friends, thy Associates, thy Colleges!
Thank you great Self as all living Beings!

Thank you great Self as Thyself!

Thank you great Self for Thyself!
Thank you great Self for thy Life!
Thank you great Self for thy Body, Mind and Soul!
Thank you great Self for thy Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions and Energies!
Thank you great Self for thy Skills, thy Learning’s and thy Abilities
Thank you great Self for thy Work, thy Job/Business, thy Purpose
Thank you great Self for thy Money, thy Wealth, thy Resources
Thank you great Self for the Beautiful Universe!
Thank you great Self for Everything and Everyone

Thank you Great Self! Thank you Great Self! Thank you Great Self!